Automated workflows using CrewMacros in Alteryx
Hello friends!! We’ll be learning to automate the Alteryx workflows using the CReW Macros in Alteryx. These quick Alteryx tip will help you run multiple workflows with single click in Alteryx.
CReW Macros is a collection of few tools that are designed by third party application to enhance the functionalities of Alteryx Designer. References are added in the end of the article for download.
Suppose you have 15 Alteryx workflows created which you want to run one after the other or just run in any sequence daily, running these workflows will be very tedious task so CReW Macros come for the rescue.
Once you download and install CReW Macros succesfully(link). You’ll find the extra options added to the tool bar as shown in the image below.

1. Using List Runner tool, Now suppose if you have 10 Alteryx workflows to run, add an input tool and enter the names of workflows with full address in sequence if you want to run in sequence else any order is fine or create an csv/excel file all the workflows name with full address. Then add a List runner from the CReW Macros tool bar as shown in the image below and done.

2. Using Runner tool, Add the same number of Runner tool as the number of Alteryx workflows you want to run and select the workflows individually, and done. see the image below here I’ve added 10+ Runner tool and selected the 10 workflows(one time work only) and done.

This was about automating the Alteryx workflows using CReW Macros. I’ve added the reference for download and further read.
Keep visiting Analytics Tuts for more tutorials.
Thanks for reading! Comment your suggestions and queries
Further read – CReW Macros, CReW Macros 1