Overwrite or Append data in Excel sheet using R
Hello friends! Today we’ll be learning to overwrite or append data in Excel sheet using R
Below is the code for Overwrite the sheet and Append the excel sheet within same Excel file. You may need to add a blank sheets with the names in Excel workbook.
install.packages("readxl") install.packages("openxlsx") library(readxl) library(openxlsx) main <- function(){ #report- clear employeeID <- "1" fstName <- "Somia" lstName <- "Rojas" age <- 34L #Audit - appending ID_report <- 1L dateReport <- 2020-11-17 adminUSer <- "Alex" dfReport <- data.frame("EMPLOYEE_ID" = employeeID, "FIRST_NAME" = fstName, "LAST_NAME" = lstName, "AGE"= age) wb <- loadWorkbook("Report.xlsx") writeData(wb, sheet = "report", dfReport) saveWorkbook(wb,"Report.xlsx",overwrite = T) dfAudit <- data.frame( "ID_REPORT"= ID_report, "DATE_REPORT"= dateReport, "ADMIN_USER"= adminUSer, "EMPLOYEE_ID" = employeeID, "FIRST_NAME" = fstName, "LAST_NAME" = lstName, "AGE"= age) xlAudit <- read_excel("Report.xlsx", sheet = "Audit") dfAudit1 <- rbind(dfAudit,xlAudit) wb1 <- loadWorkbook("Report.xlsx") writeData(wb1, sheet = "Audit", dfAudit1) saveWorkbook(wb1,"Report.xlsx",overwrite = T) # print(xlAudit) # print(dfAudit) # print(dfAudit1) } main()
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