PostgreSQL connection to R
Today we’ll be learning to connect to Postgre SQL like Amazon Redshift to R. So the package available in R is RPostgreSQL.
Install and load the package in R
install.packages("RPostgreSQL") library(RPostgreSQL)
Connection between R to PostgreSQL and load the PostgreSQL driver
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") conn <-dbConnect(drv,host='host',port='1234',dbname='db',user='user-name', password='password')
Get list of all the tables in database
Query table as the in SQL
dbSendQuery(conn,"select * from table_name")
Read table in R
table_name<- dbReadTable(conn, "tablen_name")
Get the summary of database/connection
To close the current query
To disconnect database
This was the basic intro of RPostgreSQL package in R. I’ll add more as I get more out of it.
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