Send email from Excel without VBA
Hello friends! Today we’ll be learning how to send email from excel using HYPERLINK formula without VBA.
I’ve tested on Microsoft Outlook and working perfectly. Only catch here is that you have to click on send mail button once the outlook application is open. Also attachment has to be added manually.
Structure for the data I’m using for tutorial as shown below

Formula column(E) is having the following Formula
=HYPERLINK("mailto:"&A2&"&cc="&B2&"?subject="&C2&"&body="&D2,"Send mail")
Parameter details-
mailto:- Primary email id to which mail to be send
cc- will have the cc email id
?subject- Subject of the email
body- will have the email body you want to send
Last parameter will be text you want to show, here it is "send mail"
Once the Excel formula is done. Click on the Send mail formula and it will open Outlook application with all the details filled like To,cc, Subject and body in the mail.
Keep visiting Analytics Tuts for more tutorials.
Thanks for reading! Comment your suggestions and queries
Hi, when I click the Send email button it directed me to Google browser instead in Outook.
May be your default email client is gmail, please check the settings.
how do I add multiple cc address’s within the formula
thanks for sharing this information its really useful. If I am having a word document and want to send as an attachment then how to do that. Looking for a response.
Good afternoon sir,
Above mentioned subject is clear.
Very well explain by you.
Can you help me to get selection range (table ) from excel sheet in mail body.
Check out here –>
Hello. I have five different cells that need to be included in the body of the email? How would I do that? Is it with &? I tried that but it didnt work. Maybe I did it wrong.
can you share the formula you used?
This is amazing! Is there anything I can add so the signature appears?
How to add a table in body without vba. Please help me with this
Yes, I can help with that. Please email and lets connect for session
HI I’d like to know how to my self. Can u pls guide?