Top N and others in Tableau

Hello friends! today we’ll be learning how to show Top N and others in Tableau. This quick Tableau tutorials will help you to create the data viz.

In this tutorial we’ll create a viz to show top N customers by total sales and give an option to choose the number of customers.

1. Create a Parameter

Add a parameter to give user option to select the number. Make a range of integer as shown in the image below.

2. Create a set of customers

As next step create a set of customers by selecting Sales aggregation and choose the parameter we created in the previous step.

2. Create a calculated field

Create the following calculated field to make the set and parameter functional.

IF [Top N Customers Set] = True THEN [Customer Name]
ELSE "others"

Click on the image below to check the interactive dashboard.

Keep visiting Analytics Tuts for more tutorials.

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